Once again, I have found someone on my fb that I haven't spoken to in years. We always catch up (these friends and I) and I always point them towards my blog. So, I thought I would do a recap year-by-year since I graduated from college.
1989- graduated from Augusta College, now Augusta State and got my first teaching job
1990- married my soulmate, Steve, and immediately got pregnant; bought our first house, Shea started kindergarten!
1991- had Stevie in June and while in the hospital found out that my mom would have to have a liver transplant; she finally got her liver in September of that year, it was faulty, got another one a week or so later, and it failed too
1992- lost a baby; mom had another transplant
1993- mom died, Steve surrendered to the call of ministry
1994- moved to Atlanta to work at the Georgia Baptist Children's Home; stopped teaching; dad remarried
1995- moved back to Augusta, Steve started working as a youth minister part-time; had my third child, Luke
1996- turned the big 3-0; had a great year! Stevie started kindergarten, Shea started middle school
1997- moved to Shelbyville, TN for Steve's job (his secular one), Steve took his first part-time pastorate position
1998- Shea graduated from 8th grade; had a good year (meaning uneventful!)
1999- started working in the mortgage business; Luke started pre-school; Shea started high school
2000- uneventful!
2001- oh boy!! Luke started kindergarten; went back to teaching (middle school) Steve left the secular workforce and began ministry full-time; Steve started seminary
2002- had the absolute BEST teaching job in the world!! (I taught reading all day long)
2003- moved to Paducah, KY when Steve was called to pastor a church there; Shea graduated from high school; sad, sad, sad day when I had to leave my friends where I worked :( Shea started college at Murray State University
2004- my nephew, Sam was born; my dad died unexpectedly and I slipped into a deep, dark depression, but we did take the kids to Disney and had an amazing time
2005- went back to work in the mortgage business; bought our house in Calvert City, Ky
2006- left the mortgage business again to go back to school to get master's degree; had a hysterectomy (yeah, me!!)
2007- moved to Atlanta, Ga to teach because there wasn't a job to be had in KY; Steve graduated from seminary with a master's and from Mid-Continent with his bachelor's (yes, he did them both at the same time...would NOT recommend!)
2008- moved to Cassatt, SC thereby leaving the second best job I've ever had :( another sad, sad, day, but we must go where God calls and God called us here, of that I am sure! decided to transfer to Georgia Southern to finish my master's
2009- living in the here and now; Stevie graduated...........many, many more events to come, more happy moments to live and share :)
So, where have you been?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
3 days ago
An amazing 20 years Patty. I lost my Mom in 93(after a long illness) and my Father,unexpectedly in 2oo3, and like you this lose was very depressing. But life goes on, and Mac and I will celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary this September. We really need to get together!