Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Imma Needs

Shea's friend, Amy, often has as her fb status "Imma needs........." and whatever it is she needs at the moment. I laugh every time she does this probably b/c I can just hear her sarcastic wit saying this. So, I have made up my own list of Imma needs for the convention. Some I will provide commentary for, some stand alone. Enjoy!

Al Mohler, Imma needs you to dumb it down when addressing the peasants.
I wonder if his wife is as smart as him or if there are times she says "Huh?"

Rev. ******, Imma needs you to learn how to pronounce President Obama's name.
It is not, Biraq Insane Osama.

Wiley Drake, Imma needs you to stay home again next year.
We actually ran early during each session.

Herschel, the shuttle bus driver, Imma needs you to take a refresher course on which side of the road we drive on over here in America.

Stephen and Alex Kendrick, Imma needs you to get cracking on that new movie (and cast our daughter in it).
Had to add that last part since she thought I should have asked them when I met them.

Sears, Imma needs you to stop selling all of those baby blue/white pinstripe seersucker suits to the young preachers.
There had to have been a sale, tons of men had it on (should've taken a pic).

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